Showing posts with label Ms. M.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ms. M.. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Imaginary Trails. 2009


Something about going reminds me that I’m about to do something again. It’s never the same thing but my mind only fills in the blanks to make it appear so. It makes no difference what or how it goes only that it will go because I choose to. People like to complicate things by making their comings and goings so much more difficult than they are.

It isn’t complicated.
You go or you stay.



Today I’m going.  
I’m going because they said there will be blood.
It’s art, it's a gallery, but there will be blood.
The blood will be there and they will call it art.
I’m not exactly sure about whose blood only that it will be there.
And somewhere inside my mind I know that I want to see the blood.

You can pretend you don’t want to see the blood, but you do.
You watch the tube and wish for more blood. You do.
They shoot each other and you want more. 
Operations and more.
Explosions. More.
Can’t get enough of it.
Enough what?

Because there will be blood I’m also told there might be fainting.
I won’t be fainting. I want to the see the blood.

There’s a woman that sits next to me on the same date every two months apart who donates blood and she always faints after. She says it’s the color of the stuff. I think about the last time the woman fainted before I think about the color of blood and realize that it’s blue before it’s out and it’s only red until it dries.

While I wonder about the color of blood I also wonder about the kind of people who are there looking like I’m looking at the blood. I have no expectations, but I wonder what will they think of when they’re looking?

Will they be hungry?
Will they be satisfied?
Will it be like the tube and wishing for more?
What will they want when there’s not enough blood?

And then I think about me…

Will I have...


Expectations or not…

Maybe it won’t be enough?
Maybe I’ll wish for more?
Or will I faint like the woman with the color of her blood?

All of that aside. There will be blood. And that’s why I’m going.


Friday, May 6, 2011


Down in it - NIN

Down. today, tonight for the most part I am finally down. Reprieve? Happily catching up on my daily duties of housework. I'm looking forward to washing the car cause in case you aren't in California ==>  IT'S HOT OUT! WHOO! Also looking forward to listening looking and finding new/old favorite music, watching webisodes, working on the words and updating my I-Playlists for an upcoming road trip. Not a secret trip, but I've been quite tight-lipped haven't I? Anyhow, I'm down for anything tonight but mostly because, shhh! ... it's the last episode of S3 Fringe tonight. What happened once the worlds collided? Bum bum bum...??. enjoy your day and night. kisses. m.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Amazing is just about the last thing I want anyone to tell me. I’m nobody amazing. I’m just another actor, an ordinary guy trying to make it big by playing a guy on the TV that’s 6 ½ years younger than me while I live the life of someone who's pretending to be 25. I’m 33 and wondering where I’ll get my next gig when this one gets cancelled but I’ll still smile and turn my head back the other way when the photog’s yell at me. Because there’s nothing worse than seeing a bad picture of yourself in the Rags with a caption that reads “Grayson grim over ‘fill-in-the-blank’ while buying eggs.” Smile or not they’ll still give me a part to play out. Some weeks they pretend I’m upset because I didn’t get a part that I wasn’t even up for. Other weeks there’s another starlet whose heart I’ve eaten. Not that it matters, but I haven’t eaten anyone’s anything in about six months and there’s a lesbian sleeping in my guest room. And somehow buying groceries at Whole Foods is now a photo op. Now that’s amazing.

- Grayson Cane. (the perspectives)

Amazing. I could give you something of advice tonight, but... well to speak frankly ms. m, is not feeling up to  wearing those "Dear Abby" shoes tonight. Alright a little bit, only because you're all so lovely.... 

You are amazing. Beautiful, handsome, smart, talented... etc. Pick a powerful word for yourself. You have the potential and you need to realize it... NOW. Anyone telling you different? That's a matter of perspective. Let nothing anyone says get you down. No one has the right to tell you who you are or how you need to live. You play the role of you in this life, nobody else. And that's the most beautiful way to live. People who are insecure need to feed on negativity by generating narrow-minded opinions. Their words are simply that... words.  Don't worry about their words. If you want to shine, then you will. Throw back that head, face the world with both eyes straight forward, shake a helluva lot of fierce [confidence] into your step and bring it! Now that... that's AMAZING! 

hope you had a great weekend! did you? kisses my loves. m.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Believe In You.

I Believe In You - Kylie Minogue (acoustic)

One of my favorite songs by a fabulous lady. This version is a little slower. And aptly I'm reminded that a little support can go a long way with people. Believe in yourself. I believe in me. When in doubt, remember someone believes in you... even if you can't see it yourself.  Promise. Enjoy the song. Enjoy life, love and breathing. Kisses. m.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Candy Everybody Wants - 10,000 Maniacs.

HAPPY EASTER! What did that bunny bring you this year? CANDY?! What's your favorite... Chocolate or Jellybeans? Well whatever it is... don't eat too much. Apparently sugar is a drug and quite the addiction. This is what CNN tells us. But you know what? Everybody still wants it. So... How much candy will you eat? 

 enjoy the day. live, love and breathe with everything you've got! kisses. m.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Inbetween.

Having spent the better part of my life trying either to relive the past or experience the future before it arrives. I have come to believe that in between these two extremes is peace.
Author Unknown.

The Inbetween.

There’s a place between the counter and the fridge. A gap where the granite ledge of the counter doesn’t quite reach the aluminum surface of the subzero fridge. 3 ½’ tall by ½’ wide channel of darkness where things fall unnoticed quite often. Katy tells me that it’s where things disappear. Car keys, crystal pepper shakers, last notice bills, and mostly all odds n ends. And occasionally Katy’s homework manages to vanish in the void wedged against the nook in the wall. Every morning before school she sits next to the fridge and watches the space. According to Katy, once a mouse ran in and never came out. Into the black slice of emptiness and then nothing.

“Kory, how come the mouse didn’t come out?” She asks me everyday. “Will he ever come back out?”

I don’t have an answer for her. I’ve never witnessed the eclipsing powers of the space inbetween. My understanding is that nothing ever comes out. One way into the shadow. Until something came out…

The morning was like any other. Getting together everything before we head off to school. Katy neatly tucked away in her small corner next to the pantry watching the fridge.

“Kory, Kory! Come quick!” Katy’s small voice yells from another room. “Look what came out. You have to see it!”

Walking toward the kitchen I can see her excitement over this small Easter egg of a surprise. Hopping back and forth on her tiny little feet. Two little Mary Jane’s bouncy in delight over an unexpected revelation.

“KORY! What is it?”

Beneath her tiny frame looked like a crumpled up piece of paper. As I approach Katy grabs at the sleeve of my sweater.

“Pick it up! Quick, see what it is!”

Calmly I reach down for the wad of paper. Unwrapping the small ball I’m surprised to find a message. The words ‘HELP ME!’ are scrawled in a black waxy substance over a piece of Katy’s math homework.

“Quit fooling around.” Looking down at the culprit, I hand over the note. “This is your homework.”

“KORY! I didn’t do it. This came from in there,” Katy motions and points toward the black hole. “Look, this is my homework” Out springs the small hand waving a white piece of paper.

“Enough Katy. Get ready for school. You’re gonna miss the bus.” I turn and start to walk back toward the bathroom to finish my hair. I get nearly five feet away before she starts in.

“I’m not making this up. This paper came from the inbetween. I can prove it. I can… KORY!”

Out comes a blood curdling scream. Before I can finish a full spin around there it is. Five fingers and a palm. Open. Reaching. Stopping short of Katy’s shiny Mary Jane’s.


Until that moment, I’d spent most of the time ignoring the childish notions of my kid sister. Truly nothing can appear from no where. But there I am face to face with this hand extended out of nothingness. Pulling back her shoulder I attempt to move Katy backwards.

“AAAAEEEEEEIIII! It has my foot. HELP!”

Sure enough the five fingers had wrapped themselves around the small right foot. Forward it pulls. In retreats the palm. Backwards I pull. Outward a wrist is revealed. Despite my efforts to win this tug of war, nothing helps.


Katy is frantic and shaking her foot to free from the grip. Quickly without thinking I wrap my hands around her waist and jerk backwards. Down she falls along with me.

“I’m free! Thank you Kory.”

A wave of relief passes over me as she jumps up and all over the floor with excitement.

“I told you things went in there and I wasn’t making it up! See…”

“Shhh…” as I motion my hands to silence the babe. Across from us lays part of an arm neatly upon the kitchen floor. Still without movement the phantom forearm extends from the darkness. Suspiciously I approach the motionless intruder. “Hand me a straw.” Small fingers lay open. Dead? Poke here and there with the straw to determine if it’s still alive. A jump. Thumb and index finger twitch and fall silent. Reflex. “At least we know it’s not dead.”

“Kory, I’m scared.”

With that thought up jumps the arm to full movement. Grabbing. Searching. Cautiously keeping myself and Katy out of its reach. Further the arm pulls from the darkness behind it. Nearly the hilt of it reaches out and beyond. Fingers dance up and down the custom cabinets and across the linoleum. Silently we watch until the fingers take hold and pull.

“My backpack! KORY!” She stomps her little feet in protest. The palm sandwiches inward to meet the unknown fingers as it trails the pink Hello Kitty backpack across the floor into its lair. The oversized bag disappears without effort into the small slit of nothingness. 

“Katy, please calm down. Be happy it was your backpack and not you.” Carefully I move inward to study the hole. There doesn’t seem to be another opening on the other side. Light never permeates the surface. Just a deep slit of emptiness behind the fridge. “Get me the piece of paper.” Tossing it in and wait. Within a matter of minutes out appears the hand. In an instant I pounce upon the intruder and pin it down. “NOW KATY! GET ME THE BUTCHER KNIFE!” In a flash I’m armed and the knife tears clean through the flesh. Back slides the wrist and movement in the hand stops. Fling in the dead intruder and wait.
Nothing. An hour. Nothing. A day. Nothing. A week. Nothing.

Things still fall into the In-between now and again. Homework, car keys and past due bills definitely manage to get lost from time to time. Katy doesn’t sit and watch it with the same enthusiasm. Well at least without taking precautions. To my knowledge nothing has ever come back out. Then again her Hello Kitty backpack did happen to turn up.

Revision. This was a children’s story. My first attempt and it was not my last. There are others and that’s all I can say. Can’t wait to share more. The in-between reminds me of a place referred to in my Buddhist readings. It is a place of peace for it refers to the best of both worlds. I’m sure you might think it sounds crazy to believe there is such a place between. But one thing I can tell you with absolute certainty there is peace of mind if you find it for yourself. Anyhow… I’m thinking of Matisse. Please enjoy if you’ve never read this one. And have a wonderful evening. KISSES. m.

Monday, April 18, 2011


"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure."

- Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


“We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.”

- Charles R. Swindoll

The past does not make you who you are today. It is up to you to decide what makes you today. It's not impossible to continue to be the same person. There are people who want to remain static. Permanent to who they are without believing in growth or needing to harness their unknown potential. Of their own choosing. Please be kind. That is their choice and it is VALID! And there are people who want to change. To grow. Reaching for the things that others do not believe in. With that desire there will be people who can not see or understand that need, that passion to grow. It is disappointing to come so far and have someone yank us back by the neck and say: "You are always going to be the same. Accept it!" And it is disappointing. This disappoints me when people judge myself and others that I care about in this manner. You are not alone. I have a strong reaction too. But honestly, you can't worry what anyone says. If you've convinced yourself of who you are, which I know you have, that's all that matters. Attitude is all you have. A great one goes so much further than a bad one.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Maybe I just can't believe it?

1 Thing - Amerie

Believe it or not. The only person you have to convince in this life is yourself. Anyone else... they're gonna think what they want. Chin up. Pull back that head. Toss your hair.... ladies. Fellas. Sigh. You can but it wouldn't help what people want to believe. Needless to say confidence is a killer in the marketing of yourself. Bring a whole lotta fierce (attitude), believe in yourself (confidence) and... that's when the magic happens. 

Anywho... this is an oldie but goodie that reminds me that not only have I missed my calling as a girl that dances in her stockings... but that I've always wanted a back-up band. And this should remind someone else of fierce hair. Miss you Robbie darling! It's been a while. KISSES. Anyhow... Can't you just see those M's in front of the band? Don't tempt a girl, I may do it. Alright tempt away... 

kisses. m.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Music 65.

Killing me Softly - Fugees

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song...

With any good musician, you have something of a connection with their song. They're singing your song telling your story in front of the world. It's for you because it resonates on this larger than life level. I find that this happens with Art and sometimes with Words as well. People have this very strong connection to identify with subject matter it becomes owned and it's theirs. This song, that painting, photo or story is telling my story because...

And then it's you dying by the experience of it.

Sometimes when I'm listening to Music (@ a show or otherwise), visiting an Art Exhibit, a Museum, watching a Film, or reading a Book I'm completely moved by the experience as it connects with who I am in this life on a deeper level. The art reflects the essence of life. The joy and the pain of it. In the moment that I'm experiencing this connection and selfishly I want it all to myself. I don't want to share it. Yet it continues and so do I. People are like this. Music is like this. Art is like this.

With that thought an artist can capture the very essence of your being, your story. But because it's a stranger you're completely at a loss with wonder how they could know your story. Remember that we are all connected by the larger story. Our individual stories are the pieces of the puzzle. They are similar and relate in a way that creates the larger image. And we share our individual pieces so the larger image, the overall story can become whole.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Behind The Wheel.

Behind the Wheel.
Btw.  2010

Btw.  2009

Btw.  2009

Have gun will travel? No. However, I do like to take photos when I'm on trips... How about you? Unlike most people I like to shoot a few in a less than conventional way. And of course aside from dirty windows... you can see I like to speed. Yes. It's not the safest and I don't recommend it if you are alone in the car. If you're raising an eyebrow or two that's quite alright. However... There aren't too many things in this world you can tell people about without getting an eyebrow or two raised.

Anyway, this isn't quite out of context... Back from day-tripping and as you can see the weather has improved much over the last few weeks. Among other things... there's been talk of trips and things with many people.  So I have been finishing up some things and thinking for a while that it's time for another excursion made out of pure whim and... the right opportunity.

How about it lovelies?
Where to go?
What shall be?
Travel by Road? Air? Or Sea?

-kisses. m.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

You're Timeless! Never Change your style again...

Taste in Men - Placebo

Change your style again...
Change your taste in men...

Needless to say there are many types of men out in this world. There are more types than I can even begin to list... And they're not all liars, cheaters, and thieves either. But that's me putting the cart before the horse. Isn't it?

A man is hardly like a handbag. Yet women sometimes have the tendency to change their men like they are last season's worn out Louboutins or Gucci Bag that couldn't be lived without at that moment. It's not that these women don't appreciate what's in front of them, it's simply that they have settled on a fix to fulfill a need instead of looking for something sustainable. When a woman changes shoes and rotates bags it's out of amusement. A small way to fill the boredom or ennui of the wardrobe. That old "something" is a whole new ensemble with a switch of accessories. Rarely will a woman toss it all aside without thinking twice. Or eleven times...

Occasionally a man can let you down, just like those fabulous Vintage strappy sandals you bought with the divine gold buckle, a man can break your heart when he simply wears out. A snap of the buckle and WOW are you disappointed that you have to get another pair especially after all the time you invested breaking them in. The simple truth is... they never stopped being your favorite until they let you down. And sometimes that happens. Although once and again you think you've found a bargain, and it's something amazing that looks like Chanel but wears quite thin quickly. Regardless on how much you think it looks and sounds great, if it continually isn't working you have to change your style. You can continue to repeat the cycle of relying on something that keeps letting you down or you can invest in something that will be sustainable.

The reality is that a man on the arm should truly resemble that Little Black Dress resting in the front of the closet. Typically every woman should have a basic Little Black dress in her wardrobe. Now your style can vary from extravagant material girl chic to bohemian earth goddess to utilitarian retro fab ala Dietrich but the one thing you can always count on is a Little Black Dress. A good man is no different than that Little Black Dress, he is your go-to guy every time. And my suggestion to anyone who has found that "fit" that may not be perfect but it always works, keep it around. Perhaps what is fashionable isn't always appropriate for everyone? Sometimes in order to make a firm choice you have to stand for something instead of moving on to something else. 

kisses. m.

Monday, March 28, 2011


"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."

-Albert Einstein

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Music 64.

Heartbreak (Make Me a Dancer) - Freemasons ft. Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Keep it coming on and on and on
Heartbreak makes me a dancer, dancer
DJ give me the answer, answer
Do it alone, I could do it alone.

Friday, March 4, 2011

You're something special...

"I can't be you and you can't be me. Be yourself. Nobody else but you. You know you're something special..." 
- Celeda

Lovelies, you are all something special. Yet not one of you is any more special than another. We are all very different and exactly the same.You know, some days are simply about the music you're listening to. Of course this is everyday for moi. And this one is no different. How about you? Anyway, this is a fabulous older track that I'm spinning this morning. While dancing I'm nurturing a brain child that is once again constructively dark. Are you ready for it? I am. Enjoy the music. Be yourself. kisses. m.

Be Yourself - Celeda / Danny Tenaglia

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Music 63.

Jamie Cullum - Don't Stop the Music.

"Just let the music play..." 

The Music saves me every time. How about you? 

It's. been. a. Rough. Morning. Turn the music up and Hit Repeat while I bang my head on the wall a few times. Ok? Just kidding. 

I may have crashed my hard drive this morning?? What!? Let me tell you... There I am writing, feverishly. You like that? Me too. I envision me all ablaze with thought. Anyway, back to it... There I am I'm writing feverishly when this little ol' thing just made the saddest little click-click-CLICK and stopped. The tiny little light blinked out and it's sleeping. I can only hope. That's all a girl can do sometimes... Hope.

Why? Because this means I lose all of it. 
How? Related news I lost my secondary backup about a month ago. 
WAIT! I know. Shoulda. Coulda. Woulda. 

Yes. I've been here before and some of you have been here with me. Can I just say that I really thought it would be more frightening if it happened a second time. It's not. It's a mild irritation that has already passed... 

Anyhow, aside from that mess I've made in the bedroom, I've got a couple stories coming. Been trying to space them out. And I'm working on a couple top secret writing projects too. 

Despite that interesting bit about my morning, how's your day going so far? Well, hopefully it turns out to be great! For now... enjoy a little music. Your choice(s). 

kisses. m.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

do what you want, do what you want...

Lotus Flower - Radiohead.

"do what we want... Do what we want"

And everyone should! I know I do. There's new Radiohead out there my lovelies. Was just told about this today by a fabulous man who let me listen to a bit of space recently. Jupiter's rings to be exact. Well what do we think? I'm a little biased cause I love me a dancing man any day... and of course I'm already in love with the music. And as most things are... it's up to you to decide for yourselves. 

An update on things. It's all over the place. Mostly... I'm resisting the marathon. I'm mid gear change wanting to give other things. AND the hang-up there... It's ALL NEW! Meaning it takes time. The pieces usually come out of context, most are older ideas. Typically they fall into place when it makes most sense. It's hard to explain. Unless you understand? By understand, I mean you have to do what is right when it feels right? Live for what you love and die representing that passion. Somehow it's worked for a while. Hasn't it? I'm excited. Have a fun weekend and for those with an extra day... Live, love and enjoy it!

Kisses. m. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Don’t even think about it...

Paranoid - Kanye West

"You worry bout the wrong things, the wrong things" 

Worry. More often... more often than should. Do you worry? I think we all do... occasionally. It's only a little bit of fear stashed away in a different form. In the middle of that fear its hard not to let those thoughts get the better of you. Yet we must try. Otherwise it can overtake you and you're about to...? What's the worst you've done? Reaction out of fear is... well it simply will do no good for anyone. You can only put your best smile forward, if someone chooses not to return the sentiment, you know what  it isn't about you. Gotta try not to worry about the wrong things. Anyhow, I do love to get in the car and go without a second thought now and again. With or without the wheels spinning. How about you? Enjoy the music. kisses. m.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Music 62.

"If one plays good music, people don’t listen and if one plays bad music people don’t talk."

- Oscar Wilde

Friday, February 4, 2011

Reflections and Mirrors.


Look in the mirror. Really, stop and take a look. How do you see yourself? What's your reflection look like? Is it beautiful? Soft? Handsome? Mysterious? Amazing? It should be amazing in a way that suits you. Embrace what you see. What does it tell you? This is a hard one for most people to understand. Often how we see ourselves isn't at all correct. And there are people who will lie to you, if you let them. In society it's most difficult to get a straight answer when what governs us most is watched on the TV or seen on the internet. That isn't an answer. That is one-sided. It isn't a mirror.

To be certain how you see yourself is very important. You are the embodiment of what others visualize about you. Your actions are the personified outcome of you. And when someone behaves in a manner you dislike it is often how you have behaved as well. And we all can lose sight of where we stand once and again. It happens to the best of us and you are not alone. And it certainly doesn't mean that you've lost your way or mean that someone is to blame. It's all a matter of perspective. To keep myself in check, I tend to rely on the people in my life, the family, close friends. Now it isn't always what I like to hear. In fact, that reflection is sometimes frightening to face. But once I've faced it, I understand and am grateful for the mirror. What has been is said and done. You can not control how other people will see you. That is up to their choosing. However, you can control yourself and if you need a reminder, ask a friend. They'll always put it back into perspective for you. 

This is an excerpt from the untitled perspectives. A little update, I am working out new material in the perspectives for its completion and working amidst a few other things. If you've never read it, please enjoy. Kisses. m.

(posted 9-27-2010)

Tell me you love me,” she says before gently grabbing my face and placing tiny little kisses on my lips. Delicate soft flits against mine. It’s 6:30 pm and I’m at a reading with the infamous Chloe St. Claire. Model turned actress turned model slash singer turned artist slash humanitarian actress. It’s the TV thing that wasn’t supposed to stay a thing for very long. My three and a half pages have become six pages and soon there will be none. We’re standing side by side with the writers, the actors, the directors, the producers and anyone else who isn’t necessary for participation at a reading. But this is different. Andrew fill-in-the-blank writer extraordinaire has called for a walkthrough reading.

She tells me “I hate how I have to be sad to play a happy character. It’s like lying and telling the truth at the same time. It’s not me.”  

Boy likes girl. Girl likes boy. While I’m here reading the pages out loud I wonder what happened to the old celluloid fairytales where love would conquer all in the end. Not like this. A girl is kissing another girl on page 15 while this man watches and then they’re all talking about it over dinner on page 16. At this moment I’m glad it’s Chloe’s turn at reading and not mine, but I keep following along with it anyway. Chloe is in true form the embodiment of the character I’m reading for but she’s already playing this other part like she’s me. I can’t help thinking that she’s better than me. Even when I lean in and kiss her while Andrew whatever-his-name-is, the writer says it’s not working I wonder if it’s my fault.

How can I be less myself and more like you?” This is what Chloe says over the table when I first met her six months ago.  No one could mistake Chloe for me or vice versa. She’s tall naturally blond sun-kissed and I am an average height brunette without much sun. But she sat in front of me with the very serious question and I just smiled without knowing what to say. It was the first time anyone had ever wanted to be me. Even I didn’t want to be me.

Mirroring. This is what actors do when they meet someone normal.” Alton explains this to me over lunch one day in the Sunset eight months ago. I’ve just told her I’m moving to LA to be an actress. She’s telling me this warning while wearing my Prada mules and my Chanel jacket with the same color hair and style that I have. Who are you if you aren’t your best friend?  I think that this is what people do when they meet someone new. Steal all the parts they love and copy them until you can’t tell where one begins and the other ends. It’s a bit like leaching if you ask me. But no one asks me. You take enough parts and what’s left over isn’t worth anything. If you suck the one you truly love dry in a matter of months then where will you find it next?

Mid lip-lock with Chloe trying to get the scene right for the third time, I’m thinking about how this moment mirrors me and her. She’s no longer blond. Still sun-kissed. My paleness is warmer now and we both have the same length and color of hair. Am I the copy or is she? Her hands move in and she presses hard. More yells this writer. She grabs my waist and holds even longer. I wonder what’s she’s thinking. This has nothing to do with the lines.

So at this moment while Chloe is groping my breasts and Andrew what’s-his-name is screaming for more intensity I realize that she’s really me and I’m pretending to be someone else now. And it doesn’t matter when I wipe her saliva away from my face and he yells, “That’s it! Can you do that with Inza tomorrow?” Because she’s done it. Become me. A better version. And I’ve become someone else. Me with my three pages left, a mere walk on cameo in this TV thing can’t compare to the other person I’ve fallen into. That’s the real version of me, instead of her. That’s mirroring 101.

 “Do you want to come over?” Chloe asks me in the bathroom while doing a line of blow off the counter. I take a tissue and wipe my lips clean before reapplying more color. I’m watching me watch her in the mirror. Every detail down to her eyebrow shape is a slightly accentuated version of mine. There’s nothing original about her. She’s taken my nervous twitch and smile. Pursing her lips that same way I do. Lifting her eyes with the same arch and curve. These little unnoticed pieces are now her. She is me. Standing next to me in the mirror she says she’s impressed with my ability to jump into character after pushing her breasts up in the vintage Gucci halter. I think she’s lying because I need to prepare to be someone else now. But I say ‘why not’ instead of excusing myself.

I think back to the last few days before I left the city and always come back to that moment I met Alton for lunch in the Sunset. She wasn’t saying or acting any differently than she normally would have. In fact I think it was the one time she was most herself. Alton and I were inseparable aside from living arrangements several months earlier. She wasn’t me and I wasn’t her, but we were more the same than different and it could have gone on like that forever. Being me was who she was. I can’t remember the last time I’ve talked with Alton since that day. I can only keep remembering how much she looked like me and talked like me in all the other memories. Stealing my words and my look with the guise of friendship. There’s no real connection without the mirror to remind that you aren’t really you.

It’s a quarter to seven when I wake up at Chloe’s. She already up in mid tree pose and not breathing or concentrating. She’s too busy staring at her picture on the back cover of Entertainment Weekly that’s lying spread out on the foot of the bed. I smile when she breaks position and asks about the freckles on her face being noticeable in the picture. I shake my head while telling her they’re unnoticeable and then try to tell her something about the black and white contrast in the photograph when she picks up the phone and starts dialing. It’s then I decide I need a shower because she’s too busy trying to be her being a better me to listen to me.

Somewhere between the infomercial versions of Price is Right and Let’s Make Deal she’s talking with her assistant about a script adaptation for Dostoevsky that her agent sent over. She keeps sending it back and tells her assistant to call her agent about this problem. I smile and the assistant hits speed dial over the speaker. The conversation isn’t great. Chloe drops three “I fucking don’t want to’s” before ending the call. She throws the oversized script at her assistant before falling into a tantrum. The rant begins and something about her face reveals that she does have freckles. The phone rings again and her agent is on speaker once again. Her assistant hands me a cup of coffee and I start to read the Harpers Bazaar that’s on the table.

It’s fifteen after nine when my phone rings and I decide to leave the scene of dysfunction. Tucking out front door with my heels in hand and phone cradled beneath my neck I whisper into the line.
“Hel-lo.” I serenade into the line while quickly stepping into my shoes.
“Jemma darling, how are things?”
“Wayne Baby! Great.” I forget my place and scream. “Look, the place you set me up with has been fabulous. Thank you again…”
“Look Honey, I need a favor. And I couldn’t just have anyone call you for this?”
“Anything Wayne, you’ve been a…”
“Alex is coming into town today. He’ll be at the airport in four hours. Can you get him?”
“Of course.  I have a fitting in an hour and a half, but I should be able to swing it.”
“Thank you doll. I’m glad you’re enjoying things. Sorry to run, but I have to...”
“Oh. Well of course.”
“Bye Jemma.”
“Kisses. Wayne.”

Looking in the mirror is never enough.” This is the advice I get from a woman I might call mentor if she wasn’t chain smoking and eating a McDonald’s cheeseburger.  She’s telling me that the “mirror doesn’t tell the truth” while wearing something nameless you might find in a vintage shop in the Haight, although she insists it came from Versace circa 1982. And she keeps telling the wardrobe mistress she’s a 7 not an 11. I want to laugh every time I see her. But she’s right about one thing. The mirror is not your friend.

I’m thinking about the enemies not in the mirror when the wardrobe mistress is fighting with an assistant over another actress’s size. As the wardrobe mistress verbally assaults her entourage the young woman looks uptight and it’s hard to believe she was in that BIG movie last year or on the cover of Glamour this month. I’ve never seen a person look so scared of the truth as the wardrobe mistress pulls a curtain to shut out the enemies not in the mirror.

On my end of the room the pants feel far too tight already. But I’m at a fitting to make them tighter because the physical being of the character hasn’t truly been captured by my performance. As they are fitting me for the next smaller size of pants because this is what “the character” would wear, I realize that it’s how you see things.

Perspective is a way of life, maybe the only way? We all live inside this tiny little image of ourselves. It’s not how they see us at all. That doesn’t matter. It’s only how you see yourself that matters most in the world. “But how can you ever really know who you are if the mirror lies?” it’s what I’m thinking when I must have said it out loud.

“Take a picture.” This tiny little girl with the schedule for shooting whispers and hands me the latest script revision. It’s now three less pages most of which will land me on the cutting room floor. She smiles and leans in again. “Cameras don’t lie. And it’s not the mirror that lies… it’s your mind.”

On my last day in the city I took a bus and then a walk down by the Presidio and ended up by Crissy Fields. There’s this place in the city that I like to go to. It’s past the Marina before you get to Crissy Fields close to the Wave Organ. It’s a corner of earth where nothing looks like anything else. You look at three sides of water and see something different. Along the way there are no real residences unless you live on a sailboat or a yacht. I pass this part of the Marina where Wayne has a friend with a boat. A “somebody” who owned and lived on this boat. Passing. Remembering that it was close to where I went to this party once.

These parties always happened there but this one wasn’t great, filled with people that didn’t like each other like Reggie and Ashton and important people who mattered like Wayne. Adrian was there with me. Things were ok then before we left for there and... Most of the parties weren’t great then but you don’t know that until you’ve left them. That was when the tourists would show up. When things stopped being great the scene tourists always managed to appear. The teenage girls and boy with their Ugg boots, Converse and laced up jeans matched with some dying pieces of Heatherette matched with a laced up tank from Diesel under a vintage bomber jacket produced by Levi Strauss. Elitist brats wasting time and drugs on this party in the Marina for kicks wearing their faux scene clothes trying to imitate the scenesters who were already bored and leaving.

One time at these parties a body was found dead after the tourists arrived and left. The newspaper reports were of multiple rapes and assaults among the children before this body was found drawn and quartered hanging over the side of a boat in a net. A boat that someone who was somebody owned in the Marina. It was the rawest form of survival of the fittest. Baby scenes picking away the competition that looks exactly the same. The whole mess and scandal forced the owner of the boat to sell. There’s a rumor that you can hear the cries of the rape victims and see the pieces of dead flesh floating around in the waters of the Marina. Even in the chill of the breeze the view is spectacular. When I walk alone to the edge of the water I’m almost expecting to hear the screaming voices echoing through the organ.

Everything the same in nature is different without trying. Reflections in the mirror are nothing like the things in nature. Animals don’t have mirrors to see themselves. How can they know what they look like? By looking at each other. It’s in the similarities of each other that animals know what they are. There is no need for begging and borrowing.

You have to go. I can’t.”
“But you’re….”
“Shh. I can’t be happy for you and let go.”
“Don’t do this. I don’t want to let go.”
“Then don’t. You know I love you.”
“No, I don’t... Tell me you love me.”
Thirty seconds of jaw dropping silence follows the scene. It’s like real-life imitating art, imitating real-life. Inza’s back on set for the shooting and the intensity between her and Chloe is unmistakable as they struggle to break away from the kiss. It’s hard to believe that there’s no love between them. I can see why Chloe misses her. Maybe that’s why I went home with her. There’s just that piece missing in her that wants to be seen. To be loved. The mirror lies. The camera doesn’t.

I’m on a boat to Staten Island with this friend of Andy’s who I’ve only met five hours ago. Being on boats reminds me of Jemma and being in the Marina where those kids killed those other kids playing scene. I need a hit just thinking about killing and Jemma and looking for something in everything. I’ve been everywhere and no where trying to find something in everything. Alex hasn’t been at Andy’s since 4am and doesn’t answer his phone. Someone at Andy’s says he went to LA already. We weren’t leaving until tomorrow night. And I’m still trying to remember what happened when I was losing something somewhere this morning while taking a hit outside of Tiffany’s and what you were doing when the car disappeared. I keep thinking I need some candy to handle this memory that isn’t complete… while I’m ringing up Alex again the view is amazing. I tell this gorgeous woman about the view before she says that I’ll catch up to Alex in a little bit and not to take the candy. After she touches my hair she reminds me that she’s already booked my flight to LA to follow him and we’re just killing time. I like killing time with her it lets me like her smile. We’re talking about things that matter, when she giggles about the whores and Van Gogh instead of blushing like other girls might I know there’s more to this one than meets the eye.