Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dancing with Darkness.

Director- Ridley Scott
Music: Tangerine Dream

And the pendulum swings back... to darkness of course. Working on some new things, even though there's older pieces that could easily go up. But it's not the right time. Don't ask. I'll know exactly when. Anyhow for now...

Dancing with the darkness once more.

kisses. m.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 14

Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Director - Wes Craven

"screw your pass"... I love it! Just finished watching the new trailer for the remake... which I'm not a fan of movie remakes at all, but I will be watching this one. Anyhow, I'd been neglecting to include some nightmares lately... huh? I'm reminded by this one, of a time when I was having some pretty scary dreams and avoiding sleep. It was about a year and a half back. No doze and coffee became welcomed companions. Wanna know about it? Bet you do.... I was having night terrors and partially waking up. My body from neck down wouldn't move and it felt like I was being pinned down. Scared me silly. It was a stressful time in my life... can't say more than that. I could. As always ask if you wanna know...

Yes, I have on/off again issues with sleep, which is where the idea for this series came from originally. In all fairness, I happen to love my dreams and would never trade the issues or sleepless nights for the world. Few people cherish the unusual things that the mind creates and I just adore the sick sadistic monstrosities that emerge from my imagination. Cheers to more. m..

New Trailer...

Nightmare on Elm Street '10

Director - Samuel Bayer

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Music 34.

Falling Slowly - Taken from the Once.

When Your Mind's Made Up - Taken from the Once.

The film is ONCE. AND if you haven't seen it RUN OUT for G-d's sake and see it. It's another amazing music movie that I discovered this year back in March on a lonely rainy day before I went crazy and hit the road for a few hours. Which I can't believe I hadn't seen it before then. What was I thinking? Sorry I've neglected my Music series. I didn't dawn on me I hadn't posted another in over a month. Usually I try and pair these, but instead you get two very beautiful songs from this film. M.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 13

Science of Sleep
Director: Michel Gondry

Alright, I can't explain. But, I'm pretty sure I did in fact, almost lose myself mentally back there somewhere and there's just no way to come back from that without feeling a wreck. Slowly, but surely I've been working my way back. I would share all of the creepy, but I'm certain that there's not ONE human out there that would believe me. Let's just chalk it up to sleep deprivation and call it a day. I have a whole bunch of new theories on lack of sleep and the types of neuroses' one can develop from that mess after a few interesting conversations. And I firmly believe that men and women handle lack of sleep so INCREDIBLY different. Anyway, this is a trailer from the movie "Science of Sleep." A very fascinating film about dreams, imagination and reality... and where they meet in between. OR not really? I don't know, I'm still slightly hallucinating here and there between catching up on ZZZ's. It's by one of my favorite directors, Michel Gondry, so of course I love it! enjoy. kisses. m.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 12

Sunshine Through the Rain - Taken from Akira Kurosawa's Dreams

One of my favorite films. It contains several short stories and each has a unique quality. A dear friend was nice enough to share this film with me years ago, promising I would love it. I honestly could never thank him enough. This is just a very small piece to something larger and I can not possibly share more about the scene without giving away the story. I love stories, reading & hearing people's tales intrigues me greatly. I saw this film on the shelf this morning reminding myself that without my dreams, a vivid imagination, and tremendous life experiencing events there would be no more stories. There will be more... very soon. kisses. m.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Devil.

The Devil Wears Prada - Meryl Streep / Anne Hathaway.

Been called 'the devil' far too many times to recall in this lifetime, so I embrace that lovingly. In fact happen to be called 'the devil' sometime last night and once again today... most likely tomorrow as well. Anyhow, I love love love this movie and a friend has never seen it... yes, in true form I say "YOU MUST"! Well it is a MUST SEE if you have not. Meryl Streep is a genius and an amazing actress! She makes it look too easy sometimes. And you have to love all those fabulous clothes and designer cameos! But here I am digressing, as always. kisses. m.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Barbarella - Jane Fonda

Very Cheesy and its a bad movie. But totally one of my FAVORITES. Don't ask? Alright ask why... It's because of the hair, of course! I've always wanted super fabulous Jane Fonda hair! Anyhow, someone asked me for a sci-fi story and honestly I just don't know about that. I don't really do requests. Let me think about it. ok? I promise it will be worth the wait if I decide to... Kisses and Fab Hair. m.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Secret Window.

Secret Window

ALRIGHT! I am writing. But it's not a secret though. There may have to be a change up though. I desperately want something to go up next but it is taking a bit out of me and I'm far from complete yet. Something fun may go up instead, possibly tomorrow sometime. Hopefully two new things by the end of this week.

Anyhow... I've always loved this movie/story. It reminds me of what kind of the "CRAZY" I go through to create a story. Sometimes I'm frightened that maybe something I've created is really out there... or I've completely lost my mind and well, ahem, "life imitates art" or along those lines. See, "we all go a little mad sometimes" and right now I think that its necessary for me to completely come unraveled to write. I'm not sorry it has to be this way. I can't help it, I need that mental state. The unraveled... oh well, I'm anything but hopeless. Kisses. M.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Style Icon: James Dean



James Dean. One of those fellows that I absolutely LOVE! They don't make them like that anymore. And everyone knows a little about JD. Phil Stern took the photogs. If you want more visit the James Dean Page. Otherwise Enjoy this. 

Of course there's a story... It will come. And of course there's a 'James Dean'-esque one tossing about from a month or so back. I'm pretty transparent sometimes. M.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are.


One of my all time favorite books as a child. Cause we're all a little wild inside.


I love this so very very much and CAN NOT wait for the movie. Been waiting years for this project to come out! It's something I'm completely loving and looking forward to so I'm sharing it once again. And it's sort of related to where I'm at right now. Look, I'm sorry for the time being there won't always be stories. I'm still sorting out where this is all going right now. Which brings me to where and what I'm writing or rather challenging myself with next. I've gotten a small request. By small I mean, from a child. I'm planning to write a story specifically for a child. I'm told that it is really unfair that we have to be a child sometimes. I think that its a bit unfair that we have to grow up sometimes.

Anyhow, I am returning from forcibly taking a mini break. There's been no writing for a couple days.  I'm antsy and feening. The setting of deadlines was the best thing for me. The idea of producing/editing daily in order to create gave me a sense of urgency which was the thing I'd been lacking. Again, there will be more, I've gotten a dozen more things I'm in the midst of fleshing out. AND I really do enjoy myself, regardless if anyone really appreciates any of the fiction, it makes me happy. M.

Monday, July 6, 2009

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Movie: Run Lola Run
Song: What a Difference a Day Makes! - Dinah Washington

My favorite scene. Another Beautiful song. It's been on my brain for about 24 hours now. Down. Up. Something small changes everything. The chance to succeed and have everything, yet just a small thing to take it away so abruptly. But not all is lost. No never. Some things you let go. Others hold tight. enjoy. kisses. m.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Parabola - TOOL

It hadn't dawned on me until today when I was looking for 10,000 days that I've never shared any TOOL videos. HANDS DOWN, these are some of my favorite pieces of art. If you've never ventured a gander at these videos because you dislike the band, what they represent, or the music, by all means RECONSIDER. Seriously, I've always considered these to be some of the most creative, unique and highly influential pieces out there in the form of contemporary music video/short form film. It's been days and possibly years since I've actually watched any of them. It's like opening a can of worms for me. This will undoubtedly turn into something else. Aside from all that I am a fan of the music as well. If you like Tool, check out Perfect Circle, and Puscifier; these are Maynard's side projects. I can't really force this scene on others so if it's your cup of tea, then by all means give it a listen. Otherwise... Enjoy! M.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Le Balloon Rouge

Le Balloon Rouge (1956) - The Red Balloon

I'll Concede. Someone sent me something that brightened my day so much...  THANK YOU! This reminded me of it. I needed to share. I've been feeling a little war-torn these days, but still going. People, we don't exactly have the luxury of giving up. You can't. Life is full of disappointments and sometimes people can be quite cruel, but it's just your heart breaking. And in time it will heal. Those set backs can't break your spirit. Learn to laugh A LOT!!! I would say a little, but a little of anything is never enough. Cheers, m.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 8

So I just came off seeing Star Trek. Who hasn't right? I've loved TNG since forever and it's a must watch. Anyhow with my headache still messing me up I was reminded of this episode. Brain drained from a straw. Lovely. And don't ya just love the cake from a person. It's very Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers...

Which is very Alice in Wonderland. I am in true shock if you've never seen it. I was totally vibing Tom Petty last week. Seems appropriate.

kisses. m.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Chanel No. 5

Just came across this and I'm completely in love with it! It's very romantic. Chanel is my favorite perfume. I adore Audrey Tatou and can not wait for the Coco Chanel movie. Enjoy! kisses. m.

The song is "I'm a Fool to want you" - Billie Holiday

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dancing is nothing more than a form of expression or release.

Funny Face

I found something happy! It's Audrey Hepburn's birthday and I had to watch something.
This happened to be what I chose. Very fun scene. Lot's of dancing!

Oh alright here's another scene that I adore. It contains a montage of areas from Paris and France. Mostly Paris. My favorite takes place in the Louvre. Anyhow, I'm all smiles thanks to this lovely film helping me to reminisce about my time in Paris. Enjoy. m.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hello Chanel.

Coco before Chanel (2009)

This is the trailer for the new movie about Coco Chanel. I was so excited to find out about this. Especially in Paris. There were posters all over the city. I love Audrey Tatou, wonderful actress. I was completely heartbroken to find out that it will be released April 22nd and I won't be in Paris to see it. Guess I'll have to wait until it comes out here. m.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Style Icon: Marilyn Monroe - "I just want to be wonderful"

"I'm not interested in money," she once said. "I just want to be wonderful."

 photo MarilynMonroe-1_zps4e6e617b.jpg
"Throughout her life Marilyn Monroe occupied a series of residences, owned no jewelry and counted books, records and a picture of legendary actress Eleonora Duse among her most cherished possessions. Even after the attention-getting roles in The Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve (both 1950), she still kept a modest, one-room bedroom apartment at the Beverly Carlton Hotel in Beverly Hills. "

Marilyn Monroe. I've always admired this lady. I think people had the wrong impression of her. People just assume she was stupid because of the bombshell image. On the contrary she was quite intelligent. I like her simplicity. A woman can live without jewelry. I think there's something to be said about a woman who holds books as a prized possession over jewelry.


"The library of Marilyn Monroe contained over 400 books on a variety of subjects, reflecting both her intelligence and her wide-ranging interests. No surprise to those familiar with Monroe, they were the books of a well-read and inquiring mind. Works of Literature, Art, Drama, Biography, Poetry, Politics, History, Theology, Philosophy, and Psychology covered the walls in her library." Something remarkable.