Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts

Friday, December 28, 2012

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 36

Les Miserables - Official Trailer HD song f/ I dreamed a dream

"I dreamed a dream…" 

I loved and continue to love Les Miserables the musical and enjoyed the film recently. And although I am uncertain of many things I'm certain there's a great deal of sadness in seeing someone lose their dream. For dreams are what enrich the spirit and keep your passions alive. Dreams are meant to come true and the best dreams that you can experience are the ones that happen when you are awake. 

We all have a dream that lives within our hearts and heads. It's this magic spark that keeps us inspired and longing for more. The dream you dream is always something that can or could be if you have the drive to pursue it. For this imagining that rests in the front of your mind is most possible through pursuit. 

And what are you doing or going to do to see your dream come true?  Because your dream can only come true if you chase it down and catch it. Be afraid. Take a chance anyway. You might get what you want. 



Tuesday, October 18, 2011

what if...?

What if you slept
And what if
In your sleep
You dreamed
And what if
In your dream
You went to heaven
And there plucked a strange and beautiful flower
And what if
When you awoke
You had that flower in your hand
Ah, what then?

What if you slept? - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Ever play the "what if" game? Well "what if" life were a dream? It's certainly not something to be played, and definitely not a game. Life is a bit like a dream for some people. One day they wake or come to realize what they once dreamed of is now in their hand or hands. It's amazing for them. Ever do that?  Dream of something and make it real. There are more than a few people living in this world who are. And although I'm not there yet knowing that people do, makes me realize that it happens. As people living their dream is the best inspiration for others to continue to press ahead with their goals and reach for something that seems unattainable. A dream takes hard work and commitment.

Some people have found their destined long journey and they should continue to be well, take care, and filled with great joy while traveling along it. If you are one of those people then count yourself fortunate. I think there are other people who have to keep looking in order to find that destined path. When they realize that isn't on their current path then it must come to an end. Ultimately sometimes moving closer to the end of a trail for one person, like myself, simply means it is the end of a path for them. Not for you or anyone else. As far as I am concerned for myself there is nothing to fear by ending one journey to begin another. To revisit and loosely quote Keats: What if sleep were death and life is the dream? Wouldn't a person prefer to be living than dying? I know I would... For if this is sleeping, dying, then it is surely necessary to wake up, live now.

What's your "what if?"

enjoy the loving, living and breathing,

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 35

“The only dream worth having is to dream that you will live while you are alive, and die only when you are dead. To love. To be loved. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget.”

Arundhati Roy

Dreams, there are many worth having and ultimately if you could only have one it should be living. Dreams like people are Priceless. Unique. We are all the same, and very different. 

As far as it goes: Do what you want as long as you hurt no one intentionally. Essentially, throw no one under the bus to save yourself. Under no circumstances is that line of behavior acceptable. Always love. I can’t ever say that enough. If you want love, then you have to give it. Even to complete strangers you should share your compassion.  Do not place your happiness in things that you cannot control.  And you can’t control people.  And I was wrong, the tears of compassion will come whether you want them or not. You can’t stop people from caring. And you can’t stop yourself either. Compassion makes everyone a better person. Tears are only wasted if they are in vain.

Know your rights, know your value, take no nonsense from anyone, respect others, listen to others, be your own person, develop your own opinions, learn to compromise, use your own voice,  try different things, think simpler and take yourself out of the equation sometimes.

Priceless. Everyone is of value and they have a right to have a dream. Go big! Every person is unique and worth every ounce of love. Focus on what is there not what isn’t. What has yet to come, will happen regardless of thinking, worrying, or focusing on it. And trust that it will. Love like life is all around you and within; trust that first and foremost. No one should lose sight of that while living.

Do you know your value? When was the last time you told someone in front of you they mattered? Your words will have an impact. What do you think will happen?


Monday, January 17, 2011

A Dream...

A Dream...

I Have A Dream - Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Now is the time to make real the promises..."

Do you have a dream? What is it? How will you fulfill that dream? What changes are you making? 

This speech represents one man's dream. Have you ever heard this speech? Most of you will say yes. In it's entirety?  That's where it gets a little tricky. Most have heard one version or another. The wheels of change are upon us in this world. Constantly. Can you feel them? Think back to when this speech took place. 1963. Think of how much has changed There is nothing in this world that can not be changed if enough people stand firm in their convictions. A mass is a controlled manifestation challenging the system. Rules are meant to be broken. 

I once challenged you to look for a cause. To find your cause To stand by it. Support it. Be ready to die doing and representing what you love. This man did such a thing. And I have no doubt within me that there will continue to be such revolutionary figures in this world. It is the same belief that tells me every one of you could be such people if you stand firm in your beliefs. It would be a man's undoing to deny the urge that challenges the impossible. It is important that we continue to push our boundaries. If we fight for a change together there is nothing that can keep that change from coming. 

If you've never listened to this man's dream. I urge you to. And try to listen without judgement. There is a greater message. 

There is no unity in division. 


Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 31

If I could write out my own dream
For the next time that I sleep
You'd be the first one that I see
And I the last one that you keep

And the dream would go on and on
While we sway against all things thrown our way
And the morning would be so cruel
When it came with sunshine and warmth to blame
For announcing the end of my sweet dream
For announcing the end of my sweet dream

Sweet Dream - Greg Laswell

Brilliant dreams become amazing realities don't you think? We all have brilliant ideas of how we want the world to be. Are they possible? Depends on who you talk to about such things. 

This is a lovely song. It once woke me from a beautiful dream. The most magnificent of dreams. But that was so very long ago. Even to this day I know what happened in the dream. How long it was, how it looked, felt, smelt, etc. In the end it was nothing more than a dream. Ever have a dream like that? 

Vivid as they may be in order not be snatched away from our dreams we have to find a way to make them come true. As a dream is never as good as the reality. You see, it's pretty hard to pretend when you want something to be real. You will find it takes a little work to find out how to make the jump. Ah, once you find it... it's always worth the risk. So if you have a REAL dream within your grasp... 

Anyway, I'd always wanted to include this track since the beginning. Actually should have come before Oren Lavie. That was Sleep #3 if you've missed it. And that song like this one always makes me smile. Enjoy the song. Check out the music. kisses. m.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 30

Inception (2010)
Director: Christopher Nolan

"Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up we realize something was actually strange."

Make the dreams reality. The only reason it is strange is because you haven't experienced it in reality. The only limitations are the ones we impose upon ourselves. Wake up.

If you missed this one in the theaters, it's out on DVD/Blue Ray this week. Have a peek... kisses. m.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 29

Requiem for a Dream
Dir: Darren Aronofsky

The Great American Dream is coming true for many. Obviously, I believe that to pursue the American Dream is not only futile but self-destructive because ultimately it destroys everything and everyone involved  with it. By definition it must, because it nurtures everything except those things that are important: integrity, ethics, truth, our very heart and soul. Why? The reason is simple: because Life/life is giving, not getting.

I am not suggesting we need to give everything to the poor and homeless – the millions of them who are still here in the midst of plenty – put on a hair shirt and go through the streets with a begging bowl. This, in and of itself, is no more nurturing than the pursuit of “getting.” I am not afraid of money and what it can buy. I would love to have a house full of stuff – of course I would need a house first. I have been hungry and see nothing noble in hunger. Neither do I see anything noble in eating high on the hog, though eating is certainly better. But to believe that getting stuff is the purpose and aim of life is madness.

It seems to me that we all have a dream of our own, our own personal vision, our own individual way of giving, but for many reasons we are afraid to pursue it, or even to recognize and accept its existence. But to deny our vision is to sell our soul. Getting is living a lie. Obviously nothing external can truly nurture my inner life, my Vision.

What happens when I turn my back on my Vision and spend my time and energy getting the stuff of the American Dream? I become agitated, uncomfortable in my own skin, because the guilt of abandoning my “Self/self,” of deserting my Vision, forces me to apologize for my existence, to need to prove myself by approaching life as if it’s a competition. I have to keep getting stuff in an attempt to appease and satisfy that vague sense of discontent that worms its way through me.

Certainly not everyone will experience this torment, but enough do and have no idea what is wrong. I’m sure the psychologists have a term for this free-floating anxiety, but the cause is what is destroying us, not the classification. There are always millions who seem to get away with doing the things that we think abominable, and thrive. It certainly appears that way. Yet, I know, absolutely from my experience, that there are no free lunches in this life, and eventually we all have to accept full and total responsibility for our actions, everything we have done, and have not done.

Requiem for a Dream, [this book/film], is about four individuals who pursued The American Dream, and the results of their pursuit. They did not know the difference between the Vision in their hearts and the illusion of the American Dream. In pursuing the lie of illusion, they made it impossible to experience the truth of their Vision. As a result everything of value was lost.

Unfortunately, I suspect there never will be a requiem for the Dream, simply because it will destroy us before we have the opportunity to mourn its passing. Perhaps time will prove me wrong. As Mr. Hemingway said, “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”
                                                                     --Hubert Selby, Jr.
                                                                        Los Angeles

*Requiem for a Dream, written by Hubert Selby, Jr and first published in 1978. The book is one of many that I often suggest to others. If you haven’t read it, be warned the subject matter isn’t light. But it is one of the few books out there that will change your life if you choose to read it. Darren Aronofsky’s translation of the book to screen is remarkably poignant and visionary. The film truly needs no recommending, its brilliance resonates loudly. Like the book... you must! Of course the score is absolutely required... absolutely mandatory listening. And by the way... WAKE UP! 

kisses. m.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 27.

Bedtime Story - Madonna
Director - Mark Romanek
Song - Bjork

Bedtime Story. Sometimes you read a child a story before they fall to sleep. Always thought of this to be the workings of a very elaborate dream as visually the video is surreal and dreamlike with allusions and references to Freud, Artwork, Movement, Travel. Filled with over the top extravagance outside of what is viewed as possible. As in dreams the drive behind them is not to focus on the words, it is the imagery in them. Like the lady sings, "Get unconscious" with someone for a smidge... lose the words. Enjoy. Kisses. m.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dancing on the edge...

Taken from an letter written to my sister...

Dancing on the edge… or things that happen when you’re not sleeping.

A man keeps putting his head in a lion’s mouth and taking it out again. This is happening while I’m smoking a bubble gum cigarette and you keep telling me about people living on the edge. That’s when I tell you that you’re supposed to get as close to the edge as possible without falling off. After I say this you take out a gun and shoot the invisible man who isn’t invisible when he bleeds. Only he’s not wounded because it was an invisible bullet and the man putting his head in the lion’s mouth is asking if this is far enough while he’s holding open the jaw of the beast.

On the edge of the waking dream, I keep thinking of lunches and emails. I think of how something is nothing. Nothing at all. I think of fairy tales and how life isn’t one of them. This is before I think that every fairy tale has a happy ending if you let it.

That’s the problem with most people they think you get something for nothing. Try reading fairy tales. No, try really reading them. Most of them aren’t magical or happy. In fact most of them require payment or retribution for a reward. And almost never does prince charming walk away with the fair maiden. Never does anyone get what they want without losing something first. A hand, a finger, a foot, a head, a parent, a child, a large amount of money, or a past life. Anything that is worth having comes with a sacrifice and a scar. No one is alive without paying the price.

Its sometime around 8am I’m completely awake instead of lucid and realizing that I’ve partly failed in attempting to accomplish something new, but at least it was done and I’m about to do it again cause I don’t believe them when they tell me “that part of your brain doesn’t work when you are in a sleep state.”

Now you are confused so let me explain… Salvador Dali sometimes painted while inducing his sleep. He would fall asleep with his chin cupped in his hand. And pencil or paintbrush in tow. So that once he had reached this half cognitive state he would paint. Decidedly I’ve tried to manipulate this lucidity for the purpose of writing. My experiment produced several lines that were badly misspelled, however completely coherent. It was less than desired but far more than expected because this is the part of your brain that isn’t supposed to be working like this.

Something else I’ve been wondering before 10am this morning is the need for more art in the world. There really truly isn’t enough. And then there is the concern with money. The matter that there is simply never enough. If you stop to think if there will ever be enough you will be wondering that for a long time. It’s always about the money, when it shouldn’t be. Art, literature, music and so many things should be free. Because unlike someone tells me…  not everything has a price tag. Some things are free when others can not be. It isn’t a criticism of one it is of the world we live in. Everyone should see a Dali, or a Rembrandt in person without cost but that isn’t the world we live in. Someday this will not be the case and there will be no monetary need, but that is not today.

Sometimes to create something beautiful or grand it must come at a cost. It’s not without its sacrifice, but sometimes to do what is wanted you must first do what is needed. There are consequences in life, but they are always at the result of our choices. Good or bad. Rich or poor. Nothing is permanent. Even when soon is not soon enough. You don’t stop dreaming because it doesn’t work the first time.

This is why you dance with the unknown above the terrifying edge of life. Dancing on the edge of disaster is like walking hand in hand with the devil you know. You should never stand in the middle of the island. Although it is safe and sound, no ship can see you for rescue. Have you ever danced on the edge before? I have. It is worth it. So go on then… Dance on the edge of the cliff. Look over the dizzying edge without falling off. Balance lies in the ability look as far as you can without tumbling off the edge. Don’t be afraid to fall off.  

How far into the mouth of the lion can you stick your head without losing it? This of course is an odd question to formulate when I’m not leaning in far enough… YET. But still leaning.

Back to lunches and emails where there’s no such thing as invisible people, fairy tales only have happy endings if you let them, where something is in fact nothing without a scar and all of it is only a story of what has already happened. Back to the places that live on the edges of forced lucidity. Back to where nothing makes more sense than something. And although something is not standing directly in front of you doesn’t mean it’s not out there. Lean in a little more if you can’t see it… YET.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 21

Sleeping Lessons - The Shins

The Shins will change your life. This is one of my favorite tracks to put on repeat and get lost in. It reminds me of a time in my life when I was fighting. There was once a time when I needed to fight for what I really wanted. There are very destructive people in this life and will work against you. Don't let them. But I digressed... I love the Alice in Wonderland references and in general the language of this one. It's a favorite to scream/sing to in the car! 

Of course! I promised something new! Tonight tonight... It will be today. I warned everyone this isn't going to be like October. I'm not making rules. There will be at minimum 28, and a new project! And I'm resurrecting an old series ('06) that preceded 'the music'. 

Also, y'all didn't like that story so much. Did you? Didn't you? I ended it on a positive note for a reason. Denying that man another day was predictable on my part. You expected it. I wanted to change that. More, more more...  It was inspired by a coin toss months ago (Sept?) that I put down on notes. And I was fascinated with 'The Seventh Seal' and Cory Chisel's 'Death won't send a letter' at the time.  And recently last month 'Meet Joe Black'. So death making an appearance was inevitable. I always loved that "The Seventh Seal" broke life vs. death down to a game of chess. Bergman = Genius. Watch the movie if you haven't seen it! AMAZING! Here's a clip...

Anyhow, there will be more later... kisses, m.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 20

I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?

- Ernest Hemingway

On Dreams:
Awoke from sleep with a bad feeling today. The worst kind of dreams came out with me in the waking sense. It took a couple of hours to shake it. If you're wondering... Of course I'm using it for material. This was too incredibly disturbing not to. It's never too personal. I can't resist.

On Heminway:
I'd been thinking about Hemingway lately. I know, how can a woman love such a misogynistic bastard's work so much? I don't know, but I can tell you where it started. My grandfather lent me a book once, The Sun Also Rises. I instantly adored it and had to read them all. So my thoughts on Hemingway were that perhaps I should try writing under the influence. I've only jotted ideas while sipping wine. What madness would come forth if I were a little bit tipsy? hmmm... I'll keep you posted.

Anyhow, I've added another 1000 words to my current work and it looks like that's not even the halfway mark. I'm thinking it will end up being btw 3800-4500 words when it's done. I'm nervous, but that's a good thing. It's from a place that most people don't know about. I'm exhausted and can barely stay awake. I'm going to keep working until I can't keep my eyes open. I want to get this out before I lose my thought. kisses. m.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 19

Cherry Tulips - Headlights

Believe it or not this video was one of the reasons I started the sleep series. I came across it during one of my more extreme sleep patterns (or lack thereof) a couple years back. At the time it cheered me up considerably. Definitely one of those fun happy videos that makes me smile every time I see it. Anyhow since then it's been a favorite. Had a chance to catch part of the song playing in the air this morning. Enjoy. m.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 18


Henry Fuseli
The Nightmare exhibited 1782
Oil on canvas

Sharing the nightmares should be in order. Correct? I'm a bit apologetic as these last few were so incredibly intriguing and quite frightening that I'm most likely using them as future material.  sweet dreams... waking or sleeping. kisses. m.

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 17

I Dream of Love

I do not. Maybe I do? HAHA. I don't know. Actually I still dream in Salvador Dali paintings. Those are my favorites. With the occasional nightmares. And then there's the odd ones...dum dum dum. Latest oddity. I was a man in love with a woman and about to get married. CRAZY huh? Ok. Will share a little. In a train station and we're about to meet her mother. Me for the first time. She's excited. My stomach's in knots. Weirder and weirder and yet oh so normal. We're all walking and talking about the wedding and then having lunch. I win her approval. Sharing time over... are you surprised no one died? Don't be. Anyhow, so maybe I do dream of love... just not for me. I'm an unselfish girl. HAHA. Wouldn't it be nice if dreams were enough. Anyhow this is a picture I came across and thought wouldn't that be a fun thing to use in the sleep series. kisses, m. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 15


My love, my angel, watching you sleep is possibly the most exquisite sight these humble eyes have had the pleasure to behold. The sun as it weakly finds its way into our room illuminates your skin and dances in your hair. I can not count the ways I am blessed to wake next to such a wondrous creature each day. The soft sounds that escape your lips as you linger in dreams are pleasant music to ears that had only known din before your song. The dreams in your mind surely can not capture half of my devotion for you. Watching you dream is torment to my soul. I can only envy these thoughts that take you away from me. As while you are away, I can only send you my love. Such peace, my love, is in your body at rest. Still eyes, quiet mouth, and calm breathing. My mind is in eager anticipation to embrace you, possess you in this tranquil moment.

What is in your thoughts that you slumber so delicately before these eyes of mine? Is it your lover in dreams that keeps us apart in such cruelty at night? Dreams provide no definition in reality. Could it be true that my only love prefers the company of such phantoms over waking into my genuine arms? Cruel mischief is at hand, for these thoughts take you where I can not follow. I curse the night and the need for slumber. Angel, dream no more. Leave my side no longer. Dreams are foul, cursed distractions that only filled my mind with torment and yours with peaceful joy. Do I dare to believe you dream of me, as I am here waking and watching as your humble servant without the least bit of hesitation. Darling, how it would be heaven if only you could draw me into your mind. We could be alive in a world that knows nothing of boundaries. To embrace every last bit of your soul, eternally. Ah, but I am denied such an unearthly pleasure. Star-crossed lovers must endure eternities apart, and weak fool that I am, mere hours are unbearable. Jealous of a fantasy world that I can not compete with and lost in my own false imaginings of what it truly means when you are there. Angel wake soon for this madness threatens to take hold. Wake again and save me once more.

Oh, but it is a wonder for you to wake and grace the world with your beautiful smile. Thank heaven for that smile that brightens even my darkest hour. Your smile challenges the shadows before me and lays waste to the despair that is determined to pull me under. My darling, don’t let me down. Awake. My soul wages war on these demons in your absence. It is only whole once more when the dreams restore you to this life. I am yours, devoted and true. I will wait through countless nights and battle the phantoms of your mind. The day I leave is when time runs out without your return and the world comes down before me. Wake my love. Wake.

This is the love-esque thing I'd been constructing a while back. Told you it wasn't a love story per se. Just something light-hearted. the fixation with sleep, dreams, and you can see it's because my mind was been in the middle of somethings. As usual, with love and appreciation. kisses. enjoy. M.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 14

Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Director - Wes Craven

"screw your pass"... I love it! Just finished watching the new trailer for the remake... which I'm not a fan of movie remakes at all, but I will be watching this one. Anyhow, I'd been neglecting to include some nightmares lately... huh? I'm reminded by this one, of a time when I was having some pretty scary dreams and avoiding sleep. It was about a year and a half back. No doze and coffee became welcomed companions. Wanna know about it? Bet you do.... I was having night terrors and partially waking up. My body from neck down wouldn't move and it felt like I was being pinned down. Scared me silly. It was a stressful time in my life... can't say more than that. I could. As always ask if you wanna know...

Yes, I have on/off again issues with sleep, which is where the idea for this series came from originally. In all fairness, I happen to love my dreams and would never trade the issues or sleepless nights for the world. Few people cherish the unusual things that the mind creates and I just adore the sick sadistic monstrosities that emerge from my imagination. Cheers to more. m..

New Trailer...

Nightmare on Elm Street '10

Director - Samuel Bayer

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 13

Science of Sleep
Director: Michel Gondry

Alright, I can't explain. But, I'm pretty sure I did in fact, almost lose myself mentally back there somewhere and there's just no way to come back from that without feeling a wreck. Slowly, but surely I've been working my way back. I would share all of the creepy, but I'm certain that there's not ONE human out there that would believe me. Let's just chalk it up to sleep deprivation and call it a day. I have a whole bunch of new theories on lack of sleep and the types of neuroses' one can develop from that mess after a few interesting conversations. And I firmly believe that men and women handle lack of sleep so INCREDIBLY different. Anyway, this is a trailer from the movie "Science of Sleep." A very fascinating film about dreams, imagination and reality... and where they meet in between. OR not really? I don't know, I'm still slightly hallucinating here and there between catching up on ZZZ's. It's by one of my favorite directors, Michel Gondry, so of course I love it! enjoy. kisses. m.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 12

Sunshine Through the Rain - Taken from Akira Kurosawa's Dreams

One of my favorite films. It contains several short stories and each has a unique quality. A dear friend was nice enough to share this film with me years ago, promising I would love it. I honestly could never thank him enough. This is just a very small piece to something larger and I can not possibly share more about the scene without giving away the story. I love stories, reading & hearing people's tales intrigues me greatly. I saw this film on the shelf this morning reminding myself that without my dreams, a vivid imagination, and tremendous life experiencing events there would be no more stories. There will be more... very soon. kisses. m.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares 11

In this place
Is really bad
Like being
In the bottom
Of a stream
Any minute now
I'm expecting
To wake up
From a dream
Miss so much
The softest touch
Like the grave
Of some child child
Who neither wept
Nor smiled
I'm hiding my faith
In the rain
I've been
Dreamin' of you
That's all I do
And it's
Driving me insane

Somewhere dawn
Is breaking
Light is streaking
Across the floor
Church bells
Are ringing
I wonder who
They're ringing for
Travel under any star
You'll see me
Wherever you are

The shadowy past
Is so vague and so vast
I'm sleeping
In the balance of pain
I've been dreamin' of you
That's all I do
But it's
Driving me insane

Maybe they'll get me
Maybe they won't
But whatever
It won't be tonight
I wish your hand
Was in mine right now
We could go
Where the moon is wide

For years
They had me
Locked in a cage
Then they threw me
Onto the stage
Just last longer
Then you
Thought they would
And they never
Ever explain
I'm dreamin' of you
That's all I do
And it's
Driving me insane

I eat when I'm hungry
Drink when I'm dry
Live my life
On the square
Even if the flesh
Falls off my face
It won't matter as long
As you're there

Feel like
A ghost in love
The heavens above
Feel further away
Then I ever did before
Feel further
Than I can take
Dreamin' of you
That's all I do
But it's
Driving me insane

Everything in the way
Is so shy like the day
In queer and unusual form
Spirals of golden haze here
In there in a blaze
Like beams of light
In a star

Maybe you're here
Or maybe you weren't
Maybe you
Touched somebody
And got burned
The silent sun
Has got me on the run
Burning a hole
In my brain
I'm dreamin' of you
That's all I do
But it's
Driving me insane

Dreamin' of You - Bob Dylan