Showing posts with label nikon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nikon. Show all posts

Thursday, October 23, 2014


You really got to go with the flow people & chill out! Let people be different. Let them want different. What works for you may not work for others. My life mantra isn't the same as yours and I'm cool with that. my life is a diamond & golden for me. Try embracing each other for being different & relishing in each other's achievements! 

Life is about catching the groove of the wave and enjoying it! Your life can feel full or empty and you'll find it to be unsatisfying. My life is never so full or empty that I do not enjoy it. I do over commit on occasion & stay busy but I rarely rush about because it leads to inconsistency.  In fact, most days I actually have enough time to spend at minimum an hour to 1&1/2 hours meditating with a full schedule. Walking & sitting meditation. This probably amazes people who don't know me well. I've shared this with one of my favorite Kens and a few close Dolls before. 

Yes, there are days when I have to rush due to circumstances. I don't like to. There's a difference between having a full busy day & rushing through your day. Cancellations, delays & lack of proper scheduling create this unneeded rush and it has a domino effect on others. I do my best not to pass this energy on when I can. But it happens & I forgive others when they cause it to me. I hope you forgive me. :( 

Anyone who has been on a Kamikaze mission with me knows that I only truly plan for one thing on those days... And clear the schedule all day. Everything else is a surprise to enjoy on those adventures! 

In buddhism the place you find peace is called the inbetween. So... Between rushing & laziness there is middle ground. That is where you find your peace. Make peace with yourself & others will too!

Here's a story about enjoying life!

Do you enjoy a full life? Or rush about frantically to fit it all in?

Kisses, m.

Ride The Wave

“Ride The Wave?”

“Something like that... I don't get out here too often nowadays. The daily grind with work and wife, the kids, keeps me from enjoying the surf like I used to.”

“Life'll do that to you. The things you work towards, start to work a little against you. But you wouldn't trade it would you?”

“Not at all. As a matter of fact, the golden goddess on the wave out there is my wife and the kids are making sand castles for me in the surf. You know we don't get to do it much often. The waves & sun. But it's so amazing to take it in. The wonder of living seems so overwhelming until you stop and realize your life is just full.”

“Full? I've not heard it phrased that way before. Tell me more. I'm not ready to hit the water just yet...”

“Imagine life is a glass of water. When you are single it's filled with water & ice. You can remove ice if it's too full. When you're married or just a parent there's no ice. You have a full glass. No where to empty out until you complete things.”

“I see. So my being a single gal makes my life...”

“Before you finish. No, your life is so full & amazing as it is. Never doubt where you are. Just be ready for when the ice melts.”

“Is it hard when it melts?”

“A little, but it's worth it. You adjust when you realize what you have and appreciate everything life offers. Sometimes the things it doesn't.”

“The things it doesn't? The things you lose, right?”

“Yes, but you won't miss them...”

“I imagine not.”

“Well here comes my better half and something I'm not missing... a chance to ride those waves!”

Saturday, September 27, 2014

I'll Always Have Love For Ya: The Ex-Files

Goodbye September, I'll Always Have love for ya! 

Ah my loves, it has been a little while since Ms. M has stopped being busy and simply lived. I must say it does do wonders for the spirit and welcomes interesting things, (good, bad & sad), into your life. Which although my downtime was thanks to a terrible sore throat a few weeks back and a very old Car Collision that involves some legal matters, this fabulous doll is grateful & fortunate enough to stay closer to home than usual. Taking life in & redecorating of course! Which means de-cluttering! Do you know what de-cluttering is? It means you are clearing out the past to make way for the new. In Buddhism it's encouraged to let go and let life run its course. Much like a stream of water. Damming it only stops up things and builds pressure. Besides...

If you don't make way for the new, the change you need will never come. 

Which brings me to this: Exes. Through my efforts to de-clutter and discard things that no longer serve a purpose, I keep thinking about people and their Exes---> lovers, friends and etc. When people have relationships that no longer are supportive or healthy for them, they must let them go. These things clutter up your heart. You don't always have to unfriend an ex but you have to give them time. 

Some people gracefully let go and others hang on too tightly when it isn't cool. Following, bothering and keeping tabs on a former lover through friends/acquaintances or even the "next" person they date. You can be friends but friends don't do that. Honestly I've been the "next girlfriend" and I've dated the "next boyfriend" before after a uncomfortable or awkward separation and I'll share something with you... We didn't break up because our exes stalked us, stayed acquaintances with either of us and kept tabs on our social media. Give them the same regard you would want. Jealousness is not love and should not be encouraged... (which is why this doll is on good terms with her exes but distances herself from them til it's ok)

Relationships just begin or end sometimes when they are supposed to. True fact: if a girl or guy truly wants to be with or pursue someone, nothing an anyone can do will change that. If someone is motivated to pursue a girl/guy... Nothing will stop them. But know from my experience it's fun to watch someone act out... So don't. Love yourselves Dolls and Kens. You are all so amazing and awesome. :)

This doll really tries to insist that all of her favorite Kens deal with their past so it doesn't interfere with her life or other friends lives but she realizes you can't control your ex and has been trying not to hold it against any of them & get mad. Some women or men act out, unfortunately. Just remember as an ex you can control yourself... 

But I'll let you decide how it sounds when you bother your ex and his/her friends or the new person they date. Here's one about a guy that couldn't stop following his ex...

Do you keep tabs on your ex via their friends or their new paramour? Or do you de-clutter your heart and move on?

Kisses, m.

Some Distant Memory

I don’t know if we could get lost in a city this size if we wanted to.
And I don’t know if I could survive without seeing you?
And every time I see your face I feel out of place. 

I’m out on the street. This address isn’t familiar. It’s new. She’s running late. How do I know? He’s waiting outside. Picking her up. Talking on the phone. The new me. The replacement.

I know it’s him by his watch. I passed them in the lobby of the W three weeks ago and there it was shiny, gold, Rolex, the kind of gaudy that isn’t anything like me. It was an unusual encounter to say the least. Walking by slow with my head turned by the sound of noise. She saw me first and grabbed his hand tighter. The left, with the watch. Tighter. Smile for my benefit. Wave of her blonde hair as she leans in a little closer for a kiss. A flash of gold touches her cheek and they hold for the moment as I keep walking. He didn’t know about me and she won’t tell him. And I can’t forget it. Gold. There it stands three feet below the stoop waiting for her to leave the building. 

I didn’t want to ever do this. But that day it wasn’t enough. I had to see her again. It’s been too long for me to miss her and it’s not long enough. Damn this. She’s running down the steps. She’s wearing a black dress beneath her coat. Her favorite dress, with the slit up to her mid thigh that accents the muscles in her leg when she wears the right shoes. She’s wearing the right shoes and kissing him. Apologizing and taking his arm in hers before they start walking. 

After thirteen blocks we are in a familiar place again. The city seems to be alive all around. I can’t move quickly enough. Knocking into people. Shoving forward through the crowd. Trying to reach her. I just need to see her face. I can’t catch up. There’s so much alive and I’m walking through it. Towards something that is no more. The light turns red. We are separated by the traffic. I should give up. I can’t. 

They enter Allegra’s. It’s a bar we used to go to. Used. To. When we had the same friends. They’re all still friends with us and each other except its different. There’s a dividing factor, an imaginary line in the room that is drawn. Makes same very different. Creates an uncomfortably large pink elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. 

They take a booth and I shuffle over to the bar and wave down a bartender. As she sits he takes her coat. That was my gift. She laughed when I gave it to her. Tonight she still has the same laugh. But it’s laughing at his jokes now. His funny faces. Now I’m getting a double shot of unfamiliar poison and a Kentucky Jack straight. 

Through the passing bodies and open laughs I can see the world that I once occupied.

It’s so easy why are you leaving? 
It’s just because I’ve grown afraid of you. 
I wish we were at the beginning
It would be so good to be with you.

It’s been a half hour and a drink later. The rest of their party arrives and they all mingle. These aren’t my friends. I’m sipping my second Jack and watching from my stool. Her long hair is slightly tucked behind one ear. She has three hoop earrings in each ear. They get up and start talking. It’s killing me but I can’t help watch. Crunching my ice loudly, I turn to get a better view. Maybe part of me wants to be seen. Maybe expecting a reaction? Or nothing at all. She looks at me and turns back to the group. I can’t tell if there is recognition in those blue eyes. She reaches over and touches his hand. He leans in and whispers. She kisses his neck and whispers something back before tucking more hair behind her ear. She knows it’s me.

They start to leave and she turns my way once again. Between the crowded I can see them heading toward the backroom. Why leave? She knows I’m not going to talk to her. I’m afraid of what she might do. The kiss at the W hurt me more than any real wound she could have inflicted. It doesn’t have to be this way. We could be strangers in a bar making eye contact and moving back to our own worlds. It’s dark enough. He doesn’t need to know. This could have been so much better between us. Perhaps we could start over. Begin again instead of losing each other in the sea of nothing that occupies the spaces between. That beautiful hair whips around and those eyes send another ice jolt of blue through my heart before crossing the room. They’ve passed through the threshold.

I look at the man next to me and order another drink. The bartender laughs and hands me the bottle. I nod and tip him a twenty. It’s gonna cost a lot more than this before I’m done. I smile at the man next to me and raise the bottle. He nods and lifts his glass. We are going to be friends before the night is done. 

See that girl…
She’s over there. 
I don’t need her…
She don’t care. 
I could be one in a million. 
It would be so good to start again. 

An hour and a half later I’m pouring the drinks and asking for more ice. The man next to me is my confidant. We’ve connected by the good handshake of Jack and stories of heartbreak. I almost forget she’s in the other room. Then there they come. Laughing and shaking. He’s spinning her around to the sounds of nothing familiar. There’s no recognizable music for my ears. I can’t get over the way her hair moves in the light. I need another drink but the bottle is empty. Nodding the bartender addresses my dilemma and pours another round. 

They’re dancing and laughing. I can’t help but watch. Through my drunken rant I’ve given up. I’m telling my new friend about her. Pointing to the beautiful girl that doesn’t care about me anymore. Reminding my friend that she’s replaced me with him. Anybody with a gold watch. Proclaiming that I don’t need her anymore. These odds aren’t in my favor here. And I know it’s time to start over. But there’s still part of me that misses the beginning. It would be nice to be strangers again. Although there are things that couldn’t be understood without the past, it could be so good.

It’s so easy why are you leaving?
It’s just because I’ve grown afraid of you.
I wish we were at the beginning.
It would be so good to be with you.

They are putting on coats. Looking at the bar. Quickly shuffling their feet through the crowd. Moving back she leans into him. Turning toward me she pauses and faces him. Her hands flip down his shirt collar with care and I ignore another kiss. They are leaving. The other couple has already approached the bar and paid the tab. He spins her around one more time. I swallow the rest of my Jack in one gulp and slam down the glass. They already walked outside. I drop off Ben Franklin and pick up my coat before following.

Outside. Watching them embrace. Now he’s kissing her and trying to hail a cab. One arm wrapped around the small of her back while the other is waving. It’s a movie moment on the curb beneath the moonlight and I’m not in it. My stomach feels sick. I’m standing in the darkened shadows and trying to light a cigarette. That entire bottle of Jack wasn’t the best idea. I’m stumbling. Loudly coughing behind them while they wait for a cab. Turning. Now she sees me. The lines of her face change. She REALLY sees me. I’m exposed. The enemy revealed. The bad guy discovered. She pulls him closer to hurt me. Another kiss before a yellow cab hits the curb with a screech. He opens the door. She’s in and gone before I can react to the change. It’s too late. Done. But I’m chasing the cab anyway. Running and yelling. It’s getting away. I can’t see before it happens. Stumble. Street. Pavement meet face. How do you do?

I’m alone. Face down upon the blacktop in the dark. The sound of clacking grows louder as it approaches. I can only see two black shoes attached to a pair of stocking covered legs. Then turning and kneeling these legs rest before my tired face. A small soft voice whispers “take my hand.” I reach up and grab the hand. It belongs to a smiling girl with a short dress and a long coat. She’s looking more sympathetic with her grin than laughing as she helps me to my feet. I can’t walk straight. She asks if I want help. I say no and start off home. She walks with me anyway. Catching my arm when I stumble and talking to me about the stars. She’s a pretty girl with a pretty smile. I don’t know why she’s talking to me or helping me. But I’m not alone. I’m happy for the company and distracting information about stars.

We walk for fifteen blocks then reach my building. She asks if I need help upstairs. I smile and say no. I tell her thank you for the company and she tells me to call her before handing back my phone. I laugh and ask how long she had it. She says I left it in the bar. I get her number. She smiles and kisses my cheek before leaving. I’m still sick, but I remember how nice it feels to start again.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Beautiful World

Sometimes you dance while people stand there and do nothing to help you from falling... And sometimes you let someone help you. In buddhism it's compassionate and a kindness to give help to others and accept the kindness of others. A real friend wouldn't watch as you as you fall... Tsk! Tsk! Love yourself more!

Do you have people to just stand around and watch you fall or do you let people help you?

I hope you let people help you and that you can catch yourself... However not at the expense of letting others watching you flip and fall for their amusement...  That's not a real friend. Love yourself! 

Here's an 8 words about being grateful for what you have & letting others in without fear.

Kisses, m.

All of us live in a beautiful world

We’ve got nothing to do today but smile.
Keep looking in on the good life. There
Is nothing to lose. Everybody got somebody to
Love. We should feel the touch of love.
If we catch us, where would we land?

All of us live in a beautiful world.
At long last it's crashed, the colossal mass 
Far above our heads under the icy heights.
You've touched this place before. In another time
All the lights on and you are alive.

Do you believe in what you see here?
There doesn't seem to be anybody who agrees.
I'm here to say that I sometimes do.
You're strong in this life and work but
I can help you stand for this dance.
I just wanna sing a song with you.

Baby, are you in or are you out?
Let go. Jump in. What you waiting for?
Leave your things it's all going without you.
It could be here now, it should. How?

All the night you've dreamt my heart again
Where I was so sure you'd follow through
And you'd hide your songs yours with mine.
We’re in another time and I can hear
Everyone. Stop everyone saying different things to you.
Half a million thoughts flow through my mind.

Who'd have thought that you'd dream of a
Land where I dance like the queen that
Comes from a place that's so far away.
It’s a gold tooth curse for a town,
But I don't want you thinking I'm unhappy.
A whole lifetime could have been the end.
The rest of our lives we’ll fare well.

We’re gone but we don't know where and
When you're away, when I am missing you
I hope this song will guide you home.

And have hope we’re gonna find our way
Toward these dreams that take us far away.