To the two great places I get to write for online: THANK YOU BOTH! You give me the most amazing gift everyday. I have a reason to write and it's a great reason!
Monarch Daily... It has been nothing but a dream come true to be a part of this creative team. I believe in MD and have enjoyed helping push a new vision forward. I can only hope that 2014 brings a bigger and brighter future for MD. I appreciate and thank you for taking a chance on a struggling writer by taking me into the fold and welcoming me! Everyone's openness and love is mind-blowing and surreal. Cheers!
Why Blue Matters/Are You The Reason - To me, there is nothing better than being a part of something that inspires everyone. This is especially inspiring when the team you are part of reminds you everyday how important you truly are to them. To be honest there are days I want to quit. Just opening up to the twitter feed, the Facebook and blog remind me why I get up and keep moving forward. Andre, Lital and everyone involved, I can not thank you enough for being a part of this great team. And simply just letting me do what I do, without egos and attitudes or compromises. You can not imagine how wonderful it has been to be a part of this unique vision. Here's to 2014 and all the wonderful inspiration it will bring!

To my friends and family who supported/encouraged me to keep putting together this crazy business plan all year and the artists/decorators/designers/stylists/photographers who inspired me to shape this into reality: Thank You. This is the tiniest of steps forward in an unknown direction. I can not say too much but this is finally a reality for me: I get to be a designer! Although it isn't what I thought it would be, it is still incredibly amazing to me. It is funny to think all you have to do is step back to see what you will end up doing. It's funnier when you realize it has little to do with where you started. As soon as I can I will shoot the first pictures and share the details of this epic adventure.

The commission pieces I've acquired for others as well as myself: They are well placed and can not be imagined anywhere else. Simply put, I could not have done my job without you. I share my personal pieces with others often. To the dear sweet artists and furniture designers, simply put, my life is better because your work is in it. Thank you for putting it out into the world.
Well there's where you're going or where you've been... and you can't see both at the same time. So here's to 2014.
**For those that miss my short fiction writing: Maybe there will be time for writing? Needless to say... It's not the first thing on my mind. Sold a few stories and scripts in '12. The same didn't happen in '13. So for the time being... The scripts have a home on my shelf and they make fabulous paperweights right now. The novel, The Perspectives/The Inauthentic Life, I keep adding to it. Simply said: These days it's harder to get into character because I have no reason to leave my life behind. I can't imagine wanting to spend one minute miserable when there's no reason to be. I have a few other things that need my attention and I appreciate everyone that reads/continues to read the stories. They were such a wonderful time in my life to produce.
My friends and family: Thank you for the encouragement. I will rely on my instincts to run the business when the time comes. You know my intentions are with all of you first and foremost when I begin this plan. It is wonderful and very important that you are all here with me when I see it through.
Cheers and Happy 2014!

Enjoy your life!
Kisses, m.