Showing posts with label interior decorating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interior decorating. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2013

Dream Roomspiration: Peacefully GF your interior! Giving yourself the middle finger!

Chris Zylka c/o

Barbie knows that sometimes you may find yourself conflicted when dealing with designers, artists or even a loved one. One minute you its nothing but peace and happiness only to find that the next minute is filled with a handful of "fucks" telling them where they should go. However should you find that you are stuck between a "fuck you" and a "peaceful place" try decorating with that feeling instead of ending your relationship with that difficult creative type or lover.

Dream Roomspiration: Peacefully GF your interior! Giving yourself the middle finger!





Would you find peace within to decorate and give yourself the middle finger?

Barbie might!
Kisses, m

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dream Roomspiration: Fountains

Whether you're looking for the Fountain of Youth or a just a great Fountain there's no better way to invite a sense of peaceful ambiance into your room than with a lovely fountain! 

Dream Roomspiration: Fountains

Would you put a fountain in your Dream House? 

Barbie would!

Kisses, m. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lucid Stead - The House that Phillip K Smith III Built

Barbie loves a great project! Especially when its innovation pushes the boundaries of normal to the envelope instead of relying heavily on what has already been seen and done. There's no better place to see change and challenge put to use than in your dream house! Check out this lovely contemporary piece of architecture art by Phillip K Smith III. 

Lucid Stead - The House that Phillip K Smith III Built

 "Lucid Stead is about tapping into the quiet and the pace of change of the desert.  When you slow down and align yourself with the desert, the project begins to unfold before you.  It reveals that it is about light and shadow, reflected light, projected light, and change." - Phillip K Smith III

Located in Joshua Tree, California, Lucid Stead is a light based art project by artist Phillip K Smith III.  

"Composed of mirror, LED lighting, custom built electronic equipment and Arduino programming amalgamated with a preexisting structure, this architectural intervention, at first, seems alien in context to the bleak landscape.  Upon further viewing, Lucid Stead imposes a delirious, almost spiritual experience.  Like the enveloping vista that changes hue as time passes, Lucid Stead transforms.  In daylight the 70 year old homesteader shack, that serves as the armature of the piece, reflects and refracts the surrounding terrain like a mirage or an hallucination. As the sun tucks behind the mountains, slowly shifting, geometric color fields emerge until they hover in the desolate darkness. This transformation also adapts personal perception, realigning one’s sensory priorities. A heightened awareness of solitude and the measured pace of the environment is realized." (via/Royale Projects)

Would you live in this light based art project? 

Barbie might!

Kisses, m. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dream Roomspiration: Squares

You don't have to travel Square Miles to decorate your dream house in the perfect image. If you're a square don't try to fit into a circle! Just decorate with squares and make it easy on yourself!

Dream Roomspiration: Squares

Would you decorate with Squares?

Barbie would!

Kisses, m.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dream Roomspiration: The Mud Room

Josh Hutcherson from the dirty side of glamour c/o

Every now and then Barbie loves it when her Ken gets himself into a dirty mess and Ken loves to get a little dirty often. Well what's a doll to do when that hot dirty sexy man of hers gets all muddy? Clean him up of course, but not before telling him to use The Mud Room. What's that you say you don't have one... Get one dolls and Kens! Or design a better one. It will keep your dream home from being a big ol mess.

Josh Hutcherson for the dirty side of glamour c/o

Dream Roomspiration: The Mud Room

So dolls and kens would you decorate or have a mud room like any of these?

Barbie would!

Kisses, m.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dream Roomspiration: Put a Record On... Records

Everyone loves music and Barbie is no exception to the rule. So how do you keep your love of old vinyl and your dream house in sync together. You combine your love of music with your love of style for your interior.

Dream Roomspiration: Put a Record On... Records

Would you decorate with your vinyl? 

Barbie would!

Kisses, m

Friday, November 15, 2013

Dream Roomspiration: Money

Dolls and Kens what can be bad about money? Nothing right? Money is fabulous! What happens when you get too much? Too much of it can run your life but before you let the money kill you or own you try decorating it with it!

Money Kills c/o

Dream Roomspiration: Money

Emma Roberts - Money c/o

Is this you Dolls and Kens? You got too much money? Don't know what to do? Decorate with it Dolls and Kens!

Walls and Wallpaper


 Would you decorate with your hard earned cash?

Barbie would!

Kisses, m.